Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gap #2

I posted some new pictures and it still amazes me how much has happened in two short months. My arch is scrumptiously round and the gap is gone. Looking back on the pictures just after expansion stopped I never realized how weird it really looked. Remember how I mentioned that it seemed like during expansion, one side of my jaw seemed to move and the other just stayed still? Well I feel like the same has happened with the braces. My left side has obviously done more shifting to close the chasm than the right side, resulting in a new gap between #9 and #10. Because of this offsided shifting my midlines are now ridiculously off of CL (centerline for those of you outside of the entertainment industry.) I'm sure it will all get fixed later, just have to ignore it for now.


Kristy Eng said...

wow what a difference in the pics Chris, its funny how things work eh, lookin great!!!

Cintia said...

You look so different! You look awesome!! Go Chris go!

Katherine (Kate) said...

Absolutely incredible how simple implements of torture can create such impressive change ~ your roundness is divine! The whole feel-one-side-move thing has got to be just a wee bit creepy :)

Steph & Steve G said...

you look amazing!

Michelle said...

What we had to go through to get where we are now, hmmm... we sure looked goofy.
The teeth look great!
Hey, thanks for the comment. I've decided to stay on the bus, I'm sick of being under it!!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a difference in just a short time. PS I think you look better with your glasses on