Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Date II

July 11. One month away kids! I had an appt with Dr.Styrt today to check on the little adjustments he made last time and I figured I'd put a call in to Veronica @ The Chainsaw's office to see if she had any headway with the insurance. (Apparently they had not yet received the notifications that I had yet.) They still hadn't gotten them so I faxed over my copies. Sure enough, while I was in the chair having molds taken she called me back to confirm I was slated for the 11th. It couldn't be better timing. My show opens on the 28th. Then my girlfriend Kelly and I are going to Vegas for a few days. Then the 4th of July celebrations. Then a week to prepare myself before getting hacked apart. I've got a pre-op appt with The Chainsaw on the 10th and getting my hooks on with Dr.Styrt on the 9th. I'll see if I can't get in to see Dr.Misleh before that for one last grill detail before being banded shut for awhile.
Dr.Styrt made a remark about "being on the home stretch" today, but I really don't feel like that's the case. After the surgery I've still got at least 6 more months in wires, then all the stuff that goes with the implant, then getting my janky nose fixed up. (Not cosmetic, deviated septum.) So I'll be posting for at least another year or so I imagine. Don't put me in the archive folder yet.


stephanie said...

Hey, I'm doing surgery on July 1st! Hurray! Can't they do the deviated septum thing at the same time as all of the jaw stuff?


chris k said...

Not really. For the same reason they don't combine the SARPE and the Leforte. Just too much trauma on the bones at once. I'm stoked though. Yay for surgery buddies.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You'll be able to join us on the "other side" soon. :) I'm almost 3 weeks post-op and it goes by so fast! If you have any questions feel free to ask. I too have about six more months in braces, then an implant and a vaneer and then hopefully I'll be set! At least we are on the downward slope to being done. :) BTW, what's a SARPE?? I've read a lot of blogs that refer to it and I tried to find it on Google, but no straight forward answers.. Anyway, Good Luck with everything! ~Katherine

chris k said...

It stands for Surgically Assisted Rapid Palate Expansion. Look through my October-November 2007 posts and you can read all about it. My pictures might shed a little light as well. Thanks for reading!

Katherine (Kate) said...

oooow, happy dance time if ever there was a reason for one (you can save the more excitable 'ecstatic dance' for when the implant & nose are done), but definitely worth celebrating!

Sounds like the timing is all working out dandy for you. Time until then is going to f-l-y!

Congrats on that date :)

Jaw Surgery Brandon said...

Best of luck, let us know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

Thank you so much for spending time to write this blog. I am having a very simiar condition and don't know what to do. Sent a message to you on your myspace. Can you please please get back to me as soon as you can? My e-mail is, thank you.


Foxface said...

No chance you're going into the archive folder, I need the inside scoop on how it is to meet the Chainsaw a second time around. I just asked my ortho for a timeline, I'm hoping for a surgery date sometime before the end of this year. You'll be back on burgers and steak by then!