Monday, April 14, 2008

Peeps #2

Here's the latest shout out to Trish, Kira, Kelly, Wonderful Jessica and the rest of the lovely ladies over at Dr.Styrt's. (And Dr.Styrt too.) Dental alignment couldn't be practiced by a finer, friendlier, classier group of people. I had an adjustment today and was showered with good news like jelly-beans on Easter morning.
First of all, who can lick the roof their mouth with their tongue? That's right, I can. Kelly ground that buggering RPE out and my tongue feels like it's moved out of a New York apartment and into a French chateau. The roof is really tingly when I touch it and Kelly said to be careful of hot foods because it needs to get roughed up a little bit before it can handle that sort of thing.
Next, I was given new wires. I think they're both 17x25 nitinol wires. For those less geeky as me, they're rectangular. How is this different than square? Well, without going into the physics of how a rectangular cross section is stronger than a square cross section (and way stronger than a round cross section) because of the amount of material that is further from the neutral axis, just know that it is a stronger wire and you'll probably be happy I spared you the details.
And finally, Doc said things will take as long as they take to be ready for surgery (which I agree with) but his guess was somewhere around 4 months from now. 4 months! I've learned not to hold my breath when waiting for the praise of the orthodontic deities, but I'm kinda stoked.


Unknown said...

yippee skipee where are the europe pics??

kell said...

Today we ACTUALLY sawed the jaw of my guy. As you can imagine, I had to pass on the opportunity. Just a little weird. :)

Michelle said...

CONGRATS on the removal of that horrible device. Doesn't it feel weird? I had to have the TPA put in and finally had that removed just a few weeks ago. I love having nothing on the roof of my mouth. Although I do find taht sometimes my pronunciation is a bit off. I guess time will fix that.
4 months... that's awesome news!

Tony, the Restless Foodie said...

Dude - you're so close! Hope it turns out just like you expected.

How about you post up a new picture on your profile?

holski said...

4 months is going to flyyyy by. Nice blog by the way! I've enjoyed reading your story. Do you mind if I put a link to it on my blog???

ingrid said...

hi there! hope your teeth are ready for surgery soon! will you be able to schedule a surgery date before your teeth are totally ready? i remember scheduling my own surgery about 4 months in advance.

Shontelly said...

Awesome! I remember that feeling Oh so well. I hope everything gets moving in the right direction so that you can be ready for surgery. 4 months is not far away AT ALL.