Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well, Here I Am

Not too bad hunh? Pretty amazing stuff. One thing I noticed going into this is no matter what, nobody comes out looking worse than they did before. Definitely different, but always better. There are still details about my smile that I don't like but will probably not be fixed at this point, but frankly, I'm sure no one else sees them but me. That's what happens when you obsess over a part of yourself for three years. But for now, no more exciting appointments until after the New Year.

Until then, from the most sincere part of me, relax, be safe, enjoy the company of those you love, and have a wonderful holiday season. Love to all.


kell said...

awww my cutie!

stephanie said...

Chris! You look FANTASTIC! The surgery really changed the height and width of your smile - and it's fantastic!! I think your smile is great - just like you, I obsess over little things that I don't like.

ttrombecky said...

You look mahvelous dahling!! Can't wait to give you a great big kiss on that handsome face!! Just 18 days away...

Aimee said...

You look great!

K said...

Wow, you look great! Such a beautiful smile! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome smile!