Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Three Words


In four weeks from now! Under the morning fog of La Jolla on February 3rd I will be getting the crowbar treatment to remove these shiny dental decorations! I believe the plan is then to fit me for a removable (Essix?) retainer so that my dentist can install (or "Load-In" as we say in the theatre) the abutment for my implant a week or so later. Then however long it takes to get my teeth whitened and the crown made to match and I'll have permanent retainers put in afterwards.



kell said...

yay baby! sounds like you'll be all done by the time i see you again. crazy.

stephanie said...

What?! AMAZING!! I'm so happy for you! Oh MAN, that's awesome.

ttrombecky said...

Wow. Are you sure your head won't fall off or anything? I mean, it's been a looooong time since it's had to stand up on its own. Just asking. I want pics.
