Friday, February 26, 2010

As Expected

Two weeks or so now with the braces off and just as I figured, I'm ecstatic about it. Why wait this long to post then, you ask? Well if you don't know me by now you may never ever ever know me, wooo-ooo-o-ooo. It's just great. My mom bought me a couple pounds of mixed nuts which are now gone. I've been eating tortilla chips by the basketful. Hell, I'm even flossing everyday! The abutment for my implant is installed and I have a temporary crown on until I'm done bleaching my teeth. Then they'll match the color to make the real crown. The temp pops off pretty easily when I take out my lower retainer so I'll try to remember to take a photo of the post underneath so you can see what's going on. Having it put in was SUPER easy. Other than a couple pinches here and there I truly could not feel a thing. Oh and Dr.Misleh had this tiny little torque wrench to tighten it into place! Cutest torque wrench ever. Anyway, everything's amazing. I couldn't be happier with the outcome (even that little gap I was whining about earlier closed itself up!) and would do it all again without thinking twice.

(*I was going to snap a quick picture because I happen to have my camera here at work and found my battery had died. Check back in a few hours.)


ttrombecky said...

Wow...What a long, strange trip it's been! (must be golden oldies day...) But you are almost done and -- wait -- let's go back to that word -- DONE! -- and you're looking good!! Do post pics. Proud of you for all you've gone thru. No way would this have been done at 10 like the ortho wanted.

stephanie said...

Looking good! Congrats - you're finally done!