Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Makes Me Sad a Little

So I was at Dr.Misleh's today getting the grill detailed and after I was done, Dr. Misleh, myself, and Miko, my technician, were chatting about my surgery and Miko pointed out something a little astonishing to me. My incisors have little ridges on them called mamelons. They are completely normal and come with adult teeth when you get them. The odd thing is for someone my age to have them. Why? Because my teeth have never ground against each other in the front. And so, after surgery, they will soon finally disappear.

Goodbye, Little Mamelons. Goodbye.


Anonymous said...

I have those on two of my top teeth and four of my bottom teeth. My dentists and orthodontists think its so funny lol! I just know find it funny becuase I am getting it fixed.

stephanie said...

Whoa! Neat!

Michelle said...

Just popped in to say hello!!
Hope all is well with you!

Erin said...

I had some REALLY sharp teeth prior to surgery because they just never had to do anything. I can tell you that it does not take long for them to get worn down and become "normal" like the other teeth once they're finally making real contact.