Monday, January 5, 2009

What Can I Say

Things are slow. Patience is key. Since October every ortho appointment feels the same. I go in, sit down, get a new wire, get up, six weeks. I do have some news though.
After some pondering over a calendar here's what I figure: even if I'm "ready for surgery" by my February appointment, It'll be another month or so to get my surgical hooks on, then another month to get an appointment with The Chainsaw, then another month to get a hospital date. I don't think I'll be in until May or so.

In the meantime, I accepted an invite to a hockey tourney in Colorado at the end of April.

To fold that back into the purpose of this blog, I'm starting my weight gaining regiment again.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm losing steam here, I just don't like posting unless I have something to say you know?


ummul said...

Patience is key!

Yup. I agree with you.



Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I should also be ready for surgery the end of feb. And I was just thinking the same I am hoping that the hospital meraculously (sp) has a cancellation or something...thats at least one month off right? lol! We can wish!

Katherine (Kate) said...

The boring & mundane will disappear soon enough~ mayhem will follow to be book ended with more of the same old and waiting to ditch the wires. The circle of life, haha! I must say your time frame is looking very familiar...

In the meantime, have fun with the tournament & best of luck gaining weight (it just feels wrong to write that, haha).

Foxface said...

Don't say that! CAN'T HEAR YOU! (I mean, I'm on month what? 4? and already looking forward to the day that I at least have an appointment for my second surgery. I'm still hoping for October / November this year. All the best. (Oh, and I have an ortho appointment tomorrow. I guess I should update my blog. You guys seem to have a little more discipline than me)

Erin said...

It all takes FOREVER. Freaking f o r e v e r. I know. But soon it'll happen, and then suddenly you'll be bitching about getting your braces off, then soon you'll have them off and you'll just be amazed on a daily basis, like me. :)