Friday, October 22, 2010

Signing Off

Well here it is. It's been a few months since I've posted last and I think it's time to move on. Things are great. I'm wearing my retainers every night and every time I bite together I feel great about the whole process.

I'll be keeping the blog around for others to glean from. If any of you ortho-buddies-to-be need some insight you are welcome to leave a comment and it should still forward to my address.

Again, thanks to everyone who has helped me, and encouragement to those yet to take the journey.



Erin said...

Hi Chris! I have no idea if you'll see this but congrats on finishing. I know it was like a year and a half ago now. Your smile looks GREAT! Very proud of you. I did not wear my retainers so I'm back in braces and updating my blog (xbites)... retainers forever!

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