Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Well How About That.

A mere 6 hours after leaving Dr.Styrts yesterday a spacer came out. Hmm. Seemed to go back in without much hassle but it was curious, I never lost one from the first time around. Whatevs. Yeah they're a little sore but I've found I'm adopting a slightly aggressive point of view towards the ordeal. "I know this is going to hurt to bite into but the more I get used to it the better off I'll be. Bring It!!"


cornelia said...

In reply to your question nope its 14 lbs in a stone not 20 lol

amycq said...

Hey Chris, thanks for the support! Seems you're on your way as well to a new bite! It's been a long journey for me (3 1/2 yrs!) to get to this point. It's a little surreal right now that this is happening and I'm now at the beginning of the end! What will I do without ortho appointments every month!!!

i'll add your blog to my list and i will be keeping up with your progress! rock on with your bad bite self!

Aimee said...

Thank you! Wow, I thought I was the only one who hasn't even started braces yet!