Sunday, June 17, 2007

Shopping Around #1

It's early January and the time has come to do something about my crooked teeth. Dr. Misleh had given me the card of an ortho he works with a lot so I set up an appointment. I have a friend who is a dental assistant for a doctor that does mostly cosmetic work (veneers and caps and things) so I called her to ask for any recommendations. She said her office had just taken a field trip to a guys office that I should check out. Very tech savvy, but friendly and relaxing at the same time. She knows I get anxiety around dentists (and now you do too) so she had a little insider information and thought we would be a good match. This place could see me sooner so I made an appointment and went in that week.

Dr. Paul Styrt is the ortho and his office is immaculate. It's in a very upscale office complex so instead of getting that nauseous "I'm-going-to-a-clinic" feeling I felt like I was going to a training seminar or conference for work. Which was nice. The office is very open and well designed. Italian marble countertops and a colorful fishtank gave the feeling of a spa rather than a medical office. When you arrive you find your name on a computer screen at the receptionist desk and click to let them know you're here. (I'm not exatly sure why they need a receptionist at all.) They took some pictures and some x-rays and then I got to meet with Dr.Styrt. His examination was quick and knowledgable as if he had seen a thousand people with a mouth just like mine. Rattling off the number of mm's my midline was off, my bite was open, etc. I felt reassured by his confidence that he knew what he was doing.

There was no question in his mind I needed a surgical treatment to fix my bite. While I could just opt for braces alone it would straighten my teeth but the bite would never come together and ultimately the TMJ problems I have would keep getting worse and worse. 12-18 months in braces, surgery, and another 6 before the braces came off. A bit shocking but not unbearable.

Meanwhile, Jessica, the treatment coordinator, had written up my treatment plan with quote and pictures and x-rays and laid it all on me in a cute little pocket folder. She explained to me different payment options which were within my range but it was the surgery that concerned me. I hadn't saved anything for what would inevitably be at least, what, 20k? 30k? "I can't go through with this unless the surgery is covered by my insurance." Which I had no idea if it was or not. But that's why Jessica rules the roost. She asked what kind of insurance I had and immediately called someone and asked what their procedures were for this and in 30 seconds had a detailed list of what I had to do and who I had to see for this to be covered.

I hadn't even signed anything and they knew I was seeing another ortho next week.

So out I went with my cute pocket folder and a plan of attack and smiles and waves from the girls in the office.


Maggie said...

Jessica sounds like an expert! Lucky you! :)

Thanks for the comment on my blog. I've just linked to yours. Keep us posted!

Erin said...

I added a link to you from my blog as well. So where are you in the process right now?

I'm sure you'll find from others blogging about this that it's not always the most fun experience, but it's well worth it. I've never heard someone say they wish they hadn't done it. I have jaw problems due to my bad bite too, and while a lot of the damage is done, I hope to prevent much further damage which I'm sure would happen if I hadn't done anything.

There's a lot that goes into this and you seem to be dealing with it very well! Good luck to you and I hope you'll keep posting updates on your blog.